About MCNC

MCNC is an innovative center dedicating to the advancement of technology in the fields of multimedia infomation processing, wireless network, 3D video coding, social networks, cognitive radio,etc. Under the leadship of Prof.YU, more than twenty graduate and undergraduate members work together towards both academic and individual career fulfillment. Diversity of group members contributes to the active inter-communication within lab. Moreover, MCNC also provides a playground for members to have fun. Various entertaining activities and games are scheduled periodically, which help creating an ambient atmosphere among lab members.

Our Mission Statemen

To provide an outstanding ducational experience for students at both the MS and Ph.D. levels, to conduct research that will advance the state of the art in the field, to promote industrial interactions and codevelopment, to promote extended learning opportunities for off-campus students, and to provide substantive exposure to undergraduate students to analog and mixed-signal design issues.

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