Dr. Peng Yang and Jianbin Ni Give a talk


On May 20th, Dr. Yang Peng came back to the laboratory to make an exchange report. Yang Peng mainly shared research solutions around edge computing to enhance the video experience. Firstly, when video content is transmitted on a dynamically changing network, in order to enhance the user experience, edge computing is proposed to help improve the user experience through advanced caching, computing, and bandwidth resource allocation strategies. Secondly, the design space and advanced video streaming protocols are introduced, with emphasis on http-based adaptive streaming in edge computing environments. Finally, he introduced how the edge and resource allocation can help improve the user's video experience.

At the same time, Ni Jianbing, an excellent postdoc under the team of Academician Shen Xuemin of the University of Waterloo, Canada, also came to the laboratory to communicate with students on the current research on information security and data privacy issues, mainly introducing group intelligence perception and group intelligence perception. The current status of the development of data analysis, puts forward the user information security and privacy issues exposed in the practical application of group intelligence perception, and gives their own solutions. In this communication report, laboratory students raised their own questions about the problem of data encryption. Discussing this classic problem of data encryption can stimulate teachers and students to re-understand the classic problems of their field.

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